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DayZ: Best Waterproof Clothes For Rain, Ranked

Aug 29, 2023

These clothes are a must for keeping dry even in the rain.

Players of DayZ know very well there are dangers to be avoided in the land of Chernarus other than the infected. Players also need to be on the lookout for changes in the weather, as the rain in DayZ could potentially damage any items the players are carrying in backpacks, which could prove a devastating loss, perhaps more devastating than the deadliest ranks of infected.


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If rain falls on clothing that is not proofed against water, the rain will soak into the fabric of the clothing which can cause the character's temperature to drop and may lead to adverse effects on the character's health. As such, players must ensure they do not take the damage water can do lightly, and ensure to protect themselves and their inventory from water.

As one might expect, the wellies are one of the most waterproof items in the game that take up the feet slot and are one of the most common items to find across the vast open world, particularly in the places of farming and fishing, as people in those occupations would commonly wear those items. Offering almost complete, total waterproof protection from the rain, and bodies of water.

But while the wellies offer reliable waterproof protection, they won't offer much damage protection as other items would, with only a 100 durability rating, and protection ratings that float around 1 and 0.9, though they are easily repaired with just a bit of duct tape. In addition, the dark, muted colors of the wellies stay in the black to deep green, which means they offer some camouflage.

The ballistic helmet is one of the many military-grade items players can equip, which can be found scattered across the road of Chernarus often in military bases, and is one of the most common helmets that spawn, more so than the tactical or assault helmets. Though for those that are seeking some headgear with water protection, the ballistic helmet is the one they want to find anyway.

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Not only does the helmet offer protection from shrapnel, and is adept at absorbing shock and damage, offering enough protection to save the player from a burst of assault rifle bullets at a close range, as well as damage from close-quarters combat. With a water absorption rating of 24.9%, the ballistic helmet also offers rather generous protection from the rain, staving off the sicknesses it could bring.

Though all the eyewear in DayZ appears to offer maximum protection from water and the darkest survival necessities., the tactical goggles are the most useful of the bunch as they offer other benefits than the 0% water absorbency rating. They also remove lens flare effects when equipped without tinting the user's vision with any sort of color or shade, which helps boost their vision, a boon when exploring the dangerous world of Cheranrus.

As the tactical goggles are military grade, players who wish to avail themselves of their protection can find them in military locations. As an uncommon drop, players might find more common items first, but they aren't too rare for players to get their hands on.

One part of the firefighter outfits, the pants is an excellent choice for players looking for gear that has high levels of insulation and is waterproof. With a 24.9% absorption rate, most of the rain will roll right off the pants, offering a good amount of protection from the weather. They also have 24 slots of storage, allowing players to use them to carry more items with them during their exploration, and also come with a modest but not terrible 150 durability.

They won't offer the same amount of protection in combat as more tactical gear, but the storage bonus and waterproof rating make them ideal for protecting players that find themselves caught in the rain. These common items can be found in fire stations, and come in either black or beige, which can offer camouflage depending on the environment.

The raincoat is one of the many coats in DayZ and is an uncommon drop that spawns in multiple locations including civilian locations, farms, and fishing places and comes in a variety of colors. As players might expect, the raincoat offers high protection from the rain, allowing them to keep dry and prevent catching rain-associated illnesses.

Wearing the raincoat also provides other bonuses, such as offering a modest 150 durability rating, and coming with 20 inventory slots in addition to whatever their other equipment provides, meaning they and whatever items they store inside can benefit from the waterproof element. Though most of the raincoats come in bright colors that could make them more visible to hostiles, it also comes in black which could allow players to blend into darker environments.

Along with the firefighter pants, players can find a matching jacket that sometimes spawns in fire stations. While it insulates from the heat, it also offers some protection from water, with an absorption rate of 24.9%, meaning that most water will simply roll off the material rather than soak through, eventually reaching the player's skin. While it doesn't offer a terrible amount of protection with only 150 durability and protection ratings of 1 and 0.9, it is still worth occupying the body slot for its protection from rain.

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Additionally, the firefighter jacket has 42 slots of in-built storage, allowing players to increase their carrying capacity beyond what their other equipment brings.

Another example of military-grade equipment, is the patrol pants are designed with flexibility and durability in mind, protecting players from the elements and even from some chemicals with the type of material they are made from. They are commonly donned by military forces due to their waterproof properties, and as such can be commonly found in military locations.

The patrol pants also offer a rather generous carrying capacity amount of 30 slots, allowing the wearer to store more items and also have those items benefit from the waterproof property of these trousers, and are also lightweight, so the wearer won't be weighed down by more heavy equipment.

If players want to coordinate their patrol pants with a complimentary jacket, they can also find the patrol jacket in military locations, an uncommon item that will offer protection from elements such as water and wind, though similar to the pants it won't offer much insulation from the cold, despite the in-game description stating otherwise, which is something players should keep in mind to avoid permadeath.

Nevertheless, with its protection from rain, 42 slots of inventory, and the camouflage print which allows players to evade the notice of hostiles, the patrol jacket remains a fantastic all-around waterproof piece of clothing that is certainly worth heavy consideration from the player.

DayZ is available for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

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Amy is a list article writer for Game Rant with experience writing professionally as a content creator and a degree in Creative Writing. In her free time, she likes to write, bake, watch horror films and play games and TTRPGs with her friends.
